

365 Days Miso Soup

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Eggplant Miso Soup

About Eggplants

Eggplants are in season from summer to early fall and popular ingredients for miso soup. Simply adding eggplant to wakame seaweed or nameko mushroom miso soup makes it seasonal.
Cook eggplants after soaking their cut pieces in water which barely covers them for 2 ~ 3 minutes. This makes the color of the eggplants vivid in miso soup.
If you grill or steam eggplants beforehand, they become sweeter in miso soup, adding it a distinct taste.

The season of eggplant is from July to August

Excellent Ingredients with Eggplant

In addition to standard ingredients such as wakame seaweed and nameko mushrooms, eggplant also goes very well with summer vegetables, and you can enjoy the tastes of the season easily. You can also enjoy eggplant miso soup with some rare ingredients, such as chikuwa (tubular fish cake) and mentaiko (seasoned cod roe).
On hot summer days, a cooled eggplant miso soup with thin noodles and myoga (Japanese ginger) is refreshing.

How to Choose and Store Eggplants

Fresh and tasty eggplants have beautiful, smooth, shining deep-purple skins and are plump and resilient. Most of the inside of eggplant is water. So, choose heavy ones.
Storing eggplants in a refrigerator hastens their degradation. Store them in a dark cool place and use them before long to enjoy their taste.
