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Japanese Mustard Spinach, Deep-fried Tofu and Shimeji Mushroom Miso Soup

Japanese mustard spinach (komatsuna) tastes better in fall and winter. It is accompanied by fragrant shimeji mushrooms in this miso soup.

Ingredients (4 servings)

Komatsuna 1/3 bunch
Aburaage (Deep-fried tofu) 1 piece
Shimeji mushrooms 1/2 pack
Dashi stock 800 cc
Miso 3-1/2 tablespoons

Type of Miso

Awase (Mixed) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Awase (Mixed) miso

Nama-zume Mutenka Gen-en Awase
(Fresh-packed, Additive-free, Low-Salt Mixed Miso)


  1. Boil the komatsuna and cut it into 3-cm lengths. Remove oil from the aburaage by pouring boiling water over it and cut it into proper sizes. Remove the base of the shimeji mushroom cluster and divide it into small clusters.
  2. Bring the dashi stock to a boil and add the aburaage and shimeji. After the ingredients are lightly cooked, dissolve the miso and boil only for a moment. Finally, add the komatsuna.
  3. Serve the miso soup in bowls.

★ A Note

Add komatsuna just before serving to enjoy its crispness.

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