365Days Miso Soup
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Dried Daikon Strip and Bean Sprout Miso Soup

The combination of crispy and crunchy textures gives this miso soup a rustic taste. Carrot slices in the cherry-blossom shape add an atmosphere of spring.

Ingredients (4 servings)

(Dried daikon strips)
20 g
Carrot 1/4
Bean sprouts 1/2 package
(Thin green onion)
1 stalk
Dashi stock 800 cc
Miso 3-1/2 tablespoons

Type of Miso

Awase (Mixed) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Nama-zume Mutenka Awase
(Fresh-packed, Additive-free Mixed Miso)

Nama-zume Mutenka Awase
(Fresh-packed, Additive-free Mixed Miso)


  1. Rehydrate the kiriboshi-daikon in water, drain and chop coarsely into pieces. Slice the carrot and cut into cherry blossoms. Remove the root hairs from the bean sprouts and chop the banno-negi finely.
  2. Boil the kiriboshi-daikon in the dashi stock. When the soup boils, add the carrot and bean sprouts.
  3. After the ingredients are cooked, dissolve the miso and boil for a moment.
  4. Serve the miso soup in bowls with the banno-negi sprinkled.

★ A Note

With kiriboshi-daikon, carrot and bean sprouts, this miso soup is full of dietary fiver.

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