

365 Days Miso Soup

Sautéed Bell Pepper Miso Soup

Sautéed Bell Pepper Miso Soup

Bell pepper sautéed with sesame oil is appetizing in the miso soup.

Ingredients (4 servings)

Bell peppers 2
Red bell peppers 2
Sesame oil 1 teaspoon
Ra-yu (Spicy sesame oil) A dash
Dashi stock 800 cc
Miso 3-1/2 tablespoons


  1. Shred the bell peppers and red bell peppers and lightly sauté them with the sesame oil.
  2. Bring the dashi stock to a boil. Add the sautéed bell peppers and boil only for a moment. Lower the heat and dissolve the miso.
  3. Serve the miso soup in bowls with a few drops of the ra-yu.

★ A Note
Vivid bell peppers and fragrant sesame oil are appetizing.

Type of Miso

Mugi (Barley) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Mugi (Barley) miso

Kyushu-sodachi Mugi
(Kyushu-grown Barley Miso)
