

365 Days Miso Soup

Ton-jiru au Lait

Ton-jiru au Lait

Whipped cream makes ordinary ton-jiru (pork and vegetable miso soup) milder and rich. This miso soup warms you up.

Ingredients (4 servings)

Butabara (Sliced pork belly) 60 g
Daikon radish 1/4
Carrot 1/2
Onion 1/2
Shiitake mushrooms 2
Konjac (Devil’s tongue) 1/4 cake
Taros 2
Burdock 1/4
Whipped cream 60 cc
Dashi stock 800 cc
Miso 3-1/2 tablespoons


  1. Cut the pork belly to 1-cm width and the other ingredients into proper sizes.
  2. Bring the dashi stock to a boil and add the ingredients. After the ingredients are cooked, dissolve the miso and boil for a moment.
  3. Serve the miso soup in bowls with the whipped cream added.

★ A Note
This miso soup is pleasantly full of root vegetables. Sweet potato also goes well in this miso soup.

Type of Miso

Awase (Mixed) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Awase (Mixed) miso

Nama-zume Mutenka Awase
(Fresh-packed, Additive-free Mixed Miso)
