Onion and Nankan-age Miso Soup | 365 Miso Soups | Fundokin Shoyu Co., Ltd.



365 Days Miso Soup

Onion and Nankan-age Miso Soup

Onion and Nankan-age Miso Soup

This miso soup is for enjoying fluffy and tasty Nankan-age, Japan’s largest deep-fried tofu (aburaage) traditionally eaten in Kumamoto, Japan.

Ingredients (4 servings)

Onion 1
Nankan-age 2 pieces
(Buckwheat sprouts)
A few
Dashi stock 800 cc
Miso 3-1/2 tablespoons


  1. Slice the onion and tear the Nankan-age into proper sizes.
  2. Bring the dashi stock to a boil and add the onion and Nankan-age. After the ingredients are cooked, dissolve the miso and boil for a moment.
  3. Serve the miso soup in bowls with the sobanome on top.

★ A Note
Nankan-age has a texture different from ordinary aburaage. You can try its texture with this miso soup, comparing it with ordinary aburaage.

Type of Miso

Awase (Mixed) miso

Our product used in this recipe

Ikiteru Kyushu-san Mutenka Awase Shiro

Ikiteru Kyushu-san Mutenka Awase Shiro
(Living, Kyushu-grown, Additive-free White Mixed Miso)